
New Scanners COMING!!!!


That's Right I have 2 BCD996XT's and 1 BCT15 on the way to add to the 2 BCD996XT's and 2 BCT8's already in service....  Adding some new Video hardware and another RTL-SDR radio .....   Server may go down briefly at times during this process....  all work should be completed by Sunday  May 26th.....

Thanks for choosing ILOWASCAN

     Posted by:  Pat     On: Thu May 23, 2019 - 19:17 PM CDT

     Known Issues

Current Known Issues with feeds.......


 Carroll Co. Feed is experiencing distorted audio....  I am working now to resolve this issue.... Please be patient.

     Posted by:  Pat     On: Tue May 14, 2019 - 18:38 PM CDT

     Updates & Additions

New features and reorganization..... 

  1. Removed Home Tab from menu....  clicking header image will take you there
  2. Added a Discussion Forum for those that may want to take part.
  3. Added Clinton DataBase and Davenport Database...  This is the actual programming of 2 scanners
  4. Added an Iframe in sidebar for Alert notifications... now set to refresh frame every 3 minutes for updated alert display.
  Have a Safe Day Everyone

     Posted by:  Pat     On: Fri May 10, 2019 - 14:12 PM CDT

     Server Connection

There should not be any issues with connecting to any feed......


If you are have an issue please contact me ASAP.

     Posted by:  Pat     On: Thu May 09, 2019 - 3:11 AM CDT